Friday 12 September 2014

Music-My Life My Love.

It's hard to imagine my life without music.I feel like music has always been there with my sad days as well as the jolly days!I'm sure everyone finds a piece of themselves in their music,something that completes them,something that speaks to them like nothing else does.Its said that music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,flight to the imagination and life to everything!
Sitting in the balcony way above the ground with the breeze running through your hair with your eyes closed and and headphones plugged in while your brain takes you into a whole other world,one where you feel free and are alive to each and every moment,ah what a beautiful world that is!
In the world of music it's about moments,moments which capture your very essence, moments which define your very existence and tell you who you really are because you get to take a peek inside yourself and take a look at yourself and it is then that you start to understand yourself and realize your own potential!
So go ahead dive into this wonderful world with open wings and glide along the clouds of opportunities and completely loose yourself as you will then finally find the real you and then you'll never let go.

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